DHAKA International 10K

Where Every Step Tells a Story!

Cosmic Culture

Cosmic Culture


Cosmic Culture


Cosmic Culture’s only goal is to make science popular among students and common people through the coordination of education and knowledge and to encourage them to practice science as much as possible and to develop a rational and scientific mindset.Purpose:
If people are made aware of the scientific method, they will understand their position, understand the logical thing to do. Then there is no need to teach him separately about the various anomalies and the need for improvement. Developing the spirit and concept of social development through science-technological concepts has never been as simple and realistic as possible. From this position and consideration, Cosmic Culture is active and active in conducting programs to create enthusiasm for science among the common people of the country and especially among students and increase engagement with science.

When and where did the good journey of science begin, in the distant past when people tried to solve the numerous problems of their lives, the light of science appeared on that day. His journey began. The early solutions were just strategies to gain immediate benefits and that was enough as an initial effort. Gradually, by the application of comparison and logic, and by generalization and synthesis, the wonderful golden web of science began to be woven.
We dream, we dream of building a creative future with the generation that grows up in the practice of intellect and reason. Cosmic Culture started its operations in Barishal city on September 23, 2003 with the dream of creating an environment for the practice of knowledge.

Legal Status
Cosmic Culture is a trust, registered under the Trust Act of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Registration No. IV-12/2018, dated 15 July 2018 AD.

Hotline: 01553440906, 09678-596943
E-mail: [email protected]


Published on: Monday, 6 January 2020, 04:40 pm | Last update: Friday, 5 May 2023, 11:55 am | Total views: 1597.

DHAKA International 10K

Where Every Step Tells a Story!