DHAKA International 10K

Where Every Step Tells a Story!

Conditions of Entry

Conditions of Entry

Please thoroughly go through all information mentioned in the application form or website prior to submitting your application. Confirmation of applications received will be subject to the Entry rules and guideline given herein.


• Participants must provide photo identification upon picking up their race kit to verity their identity as the registrant to whom the BIB number is assigned.

• Participant race number BIBs are specific personal identifiers and may not be exchanged with or transferred/sold to any other person. The sale and/or transfer of race entries/BIBs is strictly prohibited and will result in the disqualification and/or banning of any individuals involved from future event/s.

• All participants should take part at their own wish and risk and undertake not to participate if they are medically unfit to do so.

• Participant must undertake to abide by the race rules, race instructions and marshal directions.

• All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner during their participation in the event.

• Participants may not be accompanied by anyone on race route that is not registered in the event.

• No bikes or wheeled vehicles are allowed on the course.

• No tobacco, alcohol or any other banned substance is permitted.

• The organizers reserve the right to remove any entrant who is medically unfit to continue in the opinion of the Medical Officer.

• All finish times are reviewed before times are deemed official.

• Participants with missing or irregular split times at official timing checkpoints will be reviewed and may be disqualified.

• In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Race Director will be final.


Published on: Thursday, 9 January 2020, 12:58 am | Last update: Thursday, 14 October 2021, 10:46 am | Total views: 1823.

DHAKA International 10K

Where Every Step Tells a Story!